Wednesday, March 28, 2012

“ Hanoi ” Jane Fond as Nancy Reagan ?

Daily Mail: Reports that Jane Fond, the very LIBERAL actress is up for the role of former First Lady Nancy Reagan. This is appalling stunt casting folks, the fans of Nancy Reagan and the late President should make sure that Hollywood gets the message that WE Reagan supporters could care less who they get to play the Kennedys or how they trash them, but not Ronald and Nancy Reagan. Lets recall folks that former First Lady Nancy Reagan is still alive, one doubts that the film will be as great as the recent Iron Lady, what ever ones views on the decline years one has to say it was a great film, a great performance by the Oscar winning actress. One can see Nancy Reagan MIGHT be happy that a Hollywood Star is playing her, but it’s the Liberal, anti Vietnam War Jane Fonda, there are limits, lets hope this idea is dropped. If you’re an actor or actress don’t expect a get out of jail car if you allow politics to get in the way of your art, its one or other, even the great Ronald Reagan made a choice, he didn’t to badly did he, Governor of California for eight years and later President for eight years, and considered the most influential President in half a Century by a recent Gallup Poll.

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