Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Ending US/UK Combat Operations - Afghanistan

Guardian: Reports that President Obama and UK PM Cameron will agree on a “ tentative plans for British and US troops to end their "lead combat role" in Afghanistan ” half way through 2013. It is simple folks, the US President and UK PM see the Afghan Cliff and its heading their way, they don’t wan another Vietnam, but their options are limited by the fear that a Afghanistan without Western Forces will return to the Taliban and Al Qaeda, this would be a major threat to Western supporting Pakistan Government. At the end of the day Afghanistan is not the PRIZE, that real prize is a stable Pakistan. Also the US and the UK does not want to leave and find that it has another 9/11 few years down the line. If that happens these leaders will face the harsh judgement of history. Thus folks expect no real exit out of Afghanistan even after 2014, the costs of something going wrong are to high, also 2016 is a US Presidential Election year, politics and war folks, not something any politician really want to deal with in an election.

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