Sunday, March 11, 2012

Afghan Massacre - Afghan Front

Telegraph: Reports that a US Special Forces Soldier has killed or wounded up to sixteen Afghans after going on a killing spree. This is not the kind of PR that NATO forces in Afghanistan will need at the moment, the Taliban PR machine will go in to overdrive, the burnings of the Koran and now these deaths or injuries, this is why the US and the UK have to get out of Afghanistan and fast, the decision has already been made, the wait will invite this kind of incident, Soldiers who just lose it, Afghanistan is a nasty War folks, the West play by the rules, while the Taliban/Al Qaeda don’t, that is not to excuse the above incident, but these kind of incidents happened in Vietnam, Soldiers just go berserk after a long tour, losing their fellow Soldiers to IED attacks and also not knowing who the enemy is, time to get out folks, this can only end badly for the West.

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