Tuesday, January 17, 2012

US Sanctions on Iran = Failure - Israel

The Hill: Reports that the Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has told the Israeli Parliament that new US sanctions wont stop Iran going for a nuclear bomb. Thus folks we come down to it, does PM Netanyahu trust Obama to stop Iran getting the bomb. Lets look at Obama’s ability for loyalty to his own family, if that does not define a character then what does, to save his racist Preacher Candidate Obama threw his own grandmother under the bus, thus place Israel in the grandmother category and Iran as the racist preacher. In 2009 when the streets of Tehran was full of protesters against a stolen election and the Regime was shooting its own people President Obama was no where is sight, mild rebuke. The problem with President Obama is that he thinks he is the cleverest guy in the room, there always more clever people than you folks, even this blog has learned that lesson the hard way! But Obama is very self centred, he cant get beyond the fact that he might be WRONG, that what you get when people always say your fantastic, no one is that fantastic all the TIME. President Obama thinks that once Iran listens to him they will change, the problem is Iran has the Obama number, its called weakness, its easy to send a US Special Forces to kill OBL, hardly rocket science and then take the credit, the problem is that it undermined the US and Pakistan relationship, also caused problems for the secular Government of Pakistan. If Obama was really clever he would have sent it a black ops job team, quiet, no fuzz, take out OBL, then sent in a cleaner in, remove any trace of OBL or the operation and then kept his mouth shut in till closer to the November election. In that time the Pakistan Regime would have been told to get its act together but in private, the US would have given more support to the Pakistan Government before the story would have broken. In other words folks the Obama mission has had very negative consequences. Thus back to Israel, if you cant trust Obama, and you doubt his judgement its time to strike Iran.

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