Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Just Default for God’s Sake! = Greece

Telegraph: Reports that the cost of a ten year loan to Greece has gone up to 17.9 on the money markets. If it was not sad for Greece it would be funny folks, the EU/IMF are planning another loan to Greece, this time of 120 Billion Euros. One can postulate that clever people in EU and IMF have their heads in the sand, Greece cant pay the first loan back, now more debt on its endless debt. There is only one solution to the Greek Trojan horse, that is for Greece to leave the Euro and return to its own currency, and then get support form the EU/IMF because it wont get any loans form the market if it defaults. The EU politicians are a missing a important point, by trying to protect the Euro in every Euro Country they just might break currency. The Greek debt problem could be the Trojan horse that breaks the Euro.

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