Monday, June 27, 2011

Greece Defaults = Blog Call

Guardian: Reports on a French Plan for private debt holders in essence to write off Greek Debt, the article states the following, “ ….whether private creditors could agree to roll over some Greek debt. …credit rating agencies could still choose to view the plan as….a "credit event". Folks you would still have the same problem, the Euro does not work for Greece, the private debt holders should say a BIG NO, to any write off of Greek debt, this is a plan of spinning economics, the Greek economy needs to get out of the Euro, as long as it is tied to Germany and France it is always going to lose, you have bigger and efficient economies and then you have the turkey that is Greece, its broke, Greece has defaulted, the Eurozone Government are spinning a lie folks, if your in the market sell your Greek debt, otherwise be ready to lose YOUR SHIRT or your BONUS.

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