Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Amateur Army vs. the Gaddafi Professional Security Forces

Guardian: Reports that the advancing rebels in Libya have been forced back by the Gaddafi Security forces at the town of Bin Jawad. This is when it gets complicated for the Allies folks, the rebels are now in Gaddafi supporting areas of Libya. The UN resolution called for the protection of the Libyan people from attacks from Colonel Gaddafi, but the rebels have to take the Sirte the birthplace of Colonel Gaddafi before they can support Misrata, the people of Sirte from reports support the Gaddafi regime, thus the rebels are hitting Sirte with weapons that will cause damage and could cause death to the people of Sirte. Thus what do the Allies do, back to boots on the ground folks, a professional Army could go around Sirte and support the rebels in Misrata, this operation could last just a few days if the Allies are willing to go in hard, really hard folks and view the UN Resolution at it’s most liberal. Otherwise this could take weeks, even months, and Gaddafi could regroup and attack the East again, are the Allies going to wait months, modern warfare as shown in Iraq is no support to political leaders. Thus the need for a Max Strategy and to WIN.

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