Wednesday, March 23, 2011

46% Disapproval for POTUS - Gallup

Gallup: Reports on its latest job performance poll for President Obama, the Oval has 46% disapproval rating, while 44% approve of the job performance of President Obama. One can argue that with Afghanistan, Iraq, the US voter is very wary of another War, three Wars going on at the same time. The present crisis in Libya has been compared to the first Gulf War, in that War Bush 41 got a UN Resolution but also went back to the US Congress to get them to okay the War, it was close run thing folks. The ghost of Vietnam was used by those against the War. The point is that Bush 41 did get the US Congress to pass a resolution, President Obama just did it off his own back, with some courtesy calls to Congress. The hard left and this is real folks, want to Impeach President Obama, yes there are some mad funny left wingers out there, but lets get back reality, should the US and the UK have to send in ground troops then POTUS will have to go back Congress, but so far on the political front the Oval is safe, at the end of the day the Oval is the Commander in Chief, lets hope the Strategy works folks.

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