Monday, February 14, 2011

Split in the Obama’s Foreign Policy Team

The New York Times: Reports on the split President Obama’s National Security Team when it came to Egypt, the realists didn’t want to throw President Mubarak under the bus, while the idealists at the White House cant get out of Campaign mode, they think the protesters in Egypt as like the voters that got Obama elected in 2008. The best advice POTUS is going to get is to sack these idealists, its alright to have them as outside advice, read their views on the liberal New York Times but keep them from power. Lets be clear Obama can not afford to lose SA to Islamic extremists in the name of democracy. When it comes to Iran these idealists are very quiet, last year many brave people in Iran died, the White House was quiet, simple reason, Obama think his rhetoric will change the nuclear policy of Tehran, in other words he is reading his own press statements again!! If Obama allows these simple souls to run his Foreign Policy he can kiss his re-election goodbye, Iran will play him, kill the protesters and reveal its nuclear bomb at the worst time for Obama, also they will give more support to the Taliban - Al Qaeda in Afghanistan, they will make the UK - USA exit in 2014 look like a defeat. Other piece of advice listen to Hillary Clinton.

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