Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Sad Day - The Death of Nicholas Courtney ( Brigadier Sir Alastair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart )

Guardian: Reports on the death of Nicholas Courtney the fine actor that played Brigadier Sir Alastair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart in Doctor Who. The Brig was the Soldier you wanted in that foxhole with you when your back was up against the wall, one can argue that he represented how the real Army would have liked to have been seen, efficient, honourable, willing to sacrifice himself for the greater good, but also willing to take those tough decisions that the Doctor could never take, one could have countless debates on how the Brig would have viewed the modern fight against terrorism. As back to Dr Who without the Brig, he will be missed, Nicholas Courtney bought warmth to the role, also humour, his shock when Doctor 1,2,3 turned up, ( the Three Doctors ) his hope over experience that bullets would work on aliens, never did, his constant loyalty to the Doctor ( any incarnation ) when he should have known better, his loyalty to UNIT but not at the cost of honour or helping out a friend to do the right thing. The Arts and Dr Who is sadder place without the Brig.

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