Friday, December 03, 2010

US/Afghanistan critical of the UK in Afghanistan

The Daily Mail: Reports on the latest wikileaks releases, the US and Afghanistan had a negative view of the UK role in Afghanistan, President Karzai thought the UK was not up to the job, other Afghan sources had the UK hiding from the enemy in their bases, and the US thought the UK had made a mess of the deployment. Our fine and heroic troops doe not need to hear such rubbish, but its out there folks, if the US still has a negative view of the UK role in Afghanistan then the UK should get out, these opinions do recall the UK being thrown out of Iraq in 2009. By the end the Iraqi Government and the US Military Command didn’t trust the UK to fight the terrorists. After the War in Afghanistan is over for our Armed Forces in 2015 the UK Army really has to look at how it does nation building, Basra was not Belfast during the troubles, sometimes one got the impression that some of the Military thought Iraq was Northern Ireland. Thus a new strategic and tactical structure has to be formed for future wars and fast, Iran could be on the horizon folks. Lets salute all our Armed Forces, they are great fighters, they are just let down by their Government.

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