Friday, October 29, 2010

9/11 and the Bush 43

Guardian: Reports on leaks from the Presidential memoir of Bush 43, the article reports Bush 43 thought his order to shoot down suspected hijacked planes had lead to the shooting down of Flight 93 on 9/11. These are the kind of tough decisions that only a President can take, in the case of Flight 93 the heroic passengers took on the terrorists which lead to their deaths but the saving of thousands of others in the Capitol. It will be interesting to see from the UK perspective how Tony Blair was seen in the Bush 43 Oval, how much influence did he have over Bush 43, also what the President thinks of the War in Afghanistan and the success in Iraq. It will be interesting to see how much influence Bush 41 had over his son, did they discuss Iraq War before 2003 invasion, cant wait to read this memoir.

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