Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Obama’s FAILURE over Afghanistan

The Washington Post: Reports on the political in fighting within the Obama White House between the LIBERAL President who wants out of Afghanistan and the military who want to win as with the case in Iraq. One can see General Petraeus the former Commander of Iraq and now in Afghanistan walking out on Obama and running against him in 2012, the General from the sources in the article is not a happy bunny when it comes to Obama. The flaw in the Obama character is also shown, he seems to think that the WORLD is a Harvard seminar, that the World is what he thinks it is, any guy that made his political bones through a racist preacher and spent years in his Church does not see the real world. Lets face it the EGO was not helped by getting the Nobel Prize for doing nothing, and I mean nothing! It looks like Mr Woodward has another bestseller on his hands.

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