Monday, June 07, 2010

Bad DAY in Afghanistan

BBC News: Reports that NATO lost ten Soldiers today in Afghanistan. It reported by CNN that 7 of the Soldiers that died came from the US. Thus we see the central problem of the War in Afghanistan, the Taliban have no reason to talk, they can see down the line that the fate of Afghanistan will be the same fate as South Vietnam, at the end of the NATO and the Obama Administration can not win Afghanistan, the badlands of the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan allow the Taliban / Al Qaeda to have safe heavens that allow them to attack within Afghanistan and then run back in Pakistan. In less NATO places a major force of troops on the border of Pakistan and Afghanistan then as in the Vietnam War the enemy can retreat to these areas that are safe and allow them to rebuild their forces. Its going to be a long and bloody War folks, and the end can be seen from the past.

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