Sunday, March 07, 2010

Rahm Emanuel vs Obama Redux

Guardian: Has picked up on the public tensions between Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel and President Obama, the article states the following, " ( Emanuel )...has damaged the standing of the presidency and undermined his boss. ". This blog has followed the developing feud between Mr Emanuel and Mr Obama, in the right corner you have a political expert and a political animal in his own right Rahm " Expletive Deleted " Emanuel, and on the left you have President " STAR/Second Coming " Obama, the problem is that Mr Emanuel is a political animal in his own right, he wants a political career after Obama has gone back to Chicago, thus he can not afford to go over the cliff with Obama. The President actual believes his own press statements and the worship of the Campaign 08 has gone to his head, the Nobel Prize Committee didn't help with his ego, thus you have Mr Emanuel who can see the cliff and does not want to fall over with Obama and Obama who thinks he can walk on water. Lets see who is right folks.

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