Sunday, February 28, 2010

Tony Blair and Iraq

Guardian: Reports how the then UK PM Tony Blair came close to throwing in the towel in the first few months after the Iraq War. In the end Tony Blair came through his black dog days as Winston Churchill once called his dark mood days, the real negative of the Iraq War for Tony Blair is not the War itself; this blogger supporter the War; its what came afterwards, the collapse of civic order in Iraq and the resulting deaths, it took in till 2007 to get Iraq back on its feet, its those deaths that are on the hands of Tony Blair and Bush 43. Even Bush 43 saw the light and placed a massive surge in Iraq, this turned the nightmare of Iraq around but by then Tony Blair was out, to be replaced by Gordon Brown. Thus Tony Blair will be judged by history on his action in Iraq and his allowing Gordon Brown to be his successor, this makes Eden look good after Suez.

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