Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Obama and VICTORY in Afghanistan ?

LA Times: Reports on the Obama Speech at West Point, the Liberal LA Times does point out an interesting fact, the article states the following, " And here's how many times the Democratic chief executive used the word "victory" -- 0. " Thus if your the Taliban what do you see, a President that is in some respects weak, how can you win if your telling the enemy your leaving in 18 months, they just have either wait you out or do another Tet, it will take years to win Afghanistan and President Obama has stated that if conditions allow the USA will start to leave in July 2011. Its is ironic that Obama has allowed more time for Iraq, the War he opposed than the War that he wanted to fight in Afghanistan. As stated last night in my tweet on the speech, Obama is not a War President, can you see Kennedy or Reagan going to War and then stating the end date. If by July 2011 the War is not going well, is Obama going to leave his Just War, while keeping troops in Iraq till the end of the year, that would be a major contradiction, think of the political adds that the Republicans would use to attack him, weak and dithering. Thus a good policy speech but a weak PR, one got the impression that Obama was expecting a lot more applause that he got, sometimes if you watch his eyes he is expecting the adulation of the Campaign trial, cant he work without people falling at his feet, this was West Point they don't faint at his presence.

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