Monday, November 02, 2009

Karzai is the President

BBC News: Reports that President Karzai has been declared the winner of the Afghanistan Presidential Election after Dr Abdullah Abdullah withdrew over the weekend. Thus it can be expected that the Obama West Wing will gets its act together and decide to send more troops to Afghanistan, NATO and President Obama now know who is going to lead Afghanistan for the next few years. This is crunch time for Obama, if he wants to win he should grant the troop request of his chosen Commander on the ground, General McChrystal, if President Obama does not grant the full troops request this will send a message to the Taliban/Al Qaeda and the US Military. The Taliban/Al Qaeda will see that Obama is weak, they will know that the Obama Administration does not have the political guts to take them on, thus expect more attacks on US and UK troops in Afghanistan. As US losses mount expect Obama to come under pressure from Liberals to withdraw from Afghanistan, it should not be that surprising, Iraq and now Afghanistan has shown that Democrats have never gotten over Vietnam, while on the right you will see Conservatives states that the losses are down the lack of troops in Afghanistan, and that's the fault of President Obama. The US military will have to face the fact that they have a very weak Commander - in - Chief, a President who will not defend his troops in the foxholes that are the hell hole of Afghanistan, thus expect more critical leaks from the Military as to the competence of Obama as President and Commander - in - Chief. In other words folks this is crunch time for Obama, so what is the WORD Mr President, Yes/NO.

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