Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Threat to Pakistan from the Taliban - USA

BBC News: Reports on the visit by the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to London. The Secretary stated that Pakistan was under threat from the Taliban of Pakistan and that Iran cant play the UN. The recent attack on the Headquarters of the Army of Pakistan by the Taliban of Pakistan shows how much danger Pakistan is under, that danger would be increased tenfold should President Obama follow the advice of VP Biden, the Vice President has argued for a drawback of US troops from Afghanistan and the increase of drone attacks on Al Qaeda in Pakistan. The US is already not that popular in Pakistan, the drone attacks while being very effective against the leadership of Al Qaeda has also killed innocent people, thus the effect of a more advance drone attacks could have serious repercussions for the Government of Pakistan. Also lets gets real here, the one and only concern is that Pakistan is a nuclear armed power, the US and West can not afford to see the Taliban take over Pakistan, thus while Obama is third guessing himself over Afghanistan, the President should really look at his policy towards Pakistan. Also a piece of advice to President Obama, do your self a favour and send Biden to count the Penguins in the Falklands, the Biden advice could lead to regional war between Afghanistan and Pakistan.

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