Thursday, October 22, 2009

Cheney on Obama and Afghanistan and 2012

The New York Times: Reports on a critical speech by former VP Cheney on Obama's policy towards to Afghanistan, the NYT writes the following, " The Obama administration is dithering on a decision about whether to send more troops to Afghanistan, former Vice President Dick Cheney said..." One can almost get the impression that Cheney might be thinking about 2012 and running for the Presidency, its not that out there folks, think about it, Cheney was a Chief of Staff to President Ford, supported Reagan in the House of Representatives, Defence Secretary to Bush 41 and Vice - President to Bush 43. Lets be honest folks what is Obama's CV, in the real world folks, doubt he would get an internship in a blue chip company overall, but this is not the real world, its a world that gives a Nobel Peace Prize for doing nothing, so is a Cheney run really out there folks, Cheney 2012 does have a ring to it folks.

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