Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Biden's Advice on Pakistan

The New York Times: It has been reported that VP Biden has advised President Obama to draw back in Afghanistan and hit Al Qaeda in Pakistan, the NYT reports on the negative view of the USA at the present in Pakistan, the NYT writes the following, " Even at its current levels, the American presence was fueling a sense of occupation among Pakistani politicians and security officials.." Thus think how the secular government of Pakistan will react if Obama follows the Biden advice, to really hit Al Qaeda hard in Pakistan the US drones would need widen their target range, Obama has already increased drone attacks, this lead to innocent deaths in Pakistan. It should be recalled of late that the Taliban of Pakistan had Islamabad within their grasp, they just has sixty miles to go to take over Pakistan. Imagine this 3am case study, Obama is sleeping and there is call, Islamabad has fallen to a Taliban coup, the nuclear weapons of Pakistan could be in the hands of the Taliban, India wants US troops on the ground in Pakistan now or they will use a nuclear strike to prevent a Taliban Pakistan. It is simple folks, the US can use drone attacks up to a point, but to much force and you could have Afghanistan and Pakistan as basket cases, this would finish the Obama Presidency, and all the blame would belong to Obama for following the advice of Biden.

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