Tuesday, October 13, 2009

13,000 BACK UP for US troops in Afghanistan

CBS: Reports that the Obama Administration is sending out another thirteen thousand troops as back up to his March surge, these troops serve as a back up to combat troops, the cover different aspects beyond combat, they keep the Army in the field. Thus as CBS notes Obama has now sent thirty four thousand troops to Afghanistan. The real question for President Obama is will he send the forty thousand combat troops as requested by the US Commander on the ground General McChrystal. As CBS notes to keep forty thousand combat troops in theatre they need back up, from engineers to cooks, thus your talking a few more thousand US troops on the top of the combat request. If Obama agrees to the McChrystal request then the West will know that Obama wants to win in Afghanistan, if on the other hand Obama follows the Biden advice of taking troops out of Afghanistan and more drone attacks on Pakistan the West will learn that Obama is not serious about Western security, also it would show bad judgment on the people around Obama, and lets be honest here Obama has a track record of bad judgment on the people close to him at one time or another. If President Obama does follow the advice of General McChrystal it would show the American voter that Obama is willing to take on his left wing, and the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize had not made him soft to the security of the USA or the West.

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