Monday, August 17, 2009

Private Richard Hunt - 200th UK Casualty in Afghanistan

The Times: Reports on the death of Private Richard Hunt, the 200th UK casualty of the War in Afghanistan. There will be more deaths, the UK is going to send out more troops, thus more troops more body bags, its a very simple and hard equation. This is a War we can not afford to lose, Iraq didn't end well for the UK, this time we have to stay put and fight, we have to support our Armed Forces, that means more troops, better equipment from land to air. Also we need to win the hearts and minds of the locals in Afghanistan, they have to understand we wont abandon them as we did after USSR was defeated in Afghanistan with the support of the USA. This is not just about the USA and the UK; its about the future of NATO; NATO can not afford to lose in Afghanistan, if the West leave Afghanistan we will have another 9/11 or 7/7 in the future, thus this is the battle ground for the near future.

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