Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Obama Administration and Pakistan

The New York Times: Reports that the Congress has not passed a bill that would give civic aid to Pakistan, the NYT writes the following on the bill, " build up its civil society — the schools, courts, hospitals and roads that are essential to stability. " On the Obama domestic Agenda the NYT is on the extreme left wing but its right on the money when it comes to this issue, as stated many times in this blog you have to win the heart and minds of the people of Pakistan, you have to give them hope of a better tomorrow. Thus you have to build up a working and middle class that see that a secular society is better for them than the Taliban/Terrorists. As stated in the past this blog has had some reservations about the use of the CIA drones but that is the past, we have the Taliban on the run now, lets use that, hit them harder and often but also lets help the people. It can be argued that if Obama spent some of the banking money in Pakistan he would get a lot more back, support for the West and less terrorism. Even the NYT gets it right sometimes!

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