Sunday, August 30, 2009

Karzai the New Diem

The Sunday Times: Reports in depth on the stormy meeting between President Karzai of Afghanistan and the Obama Envoy, Richard Holbrooke, it seems that Karzai was being bullied to have a second round of elections in Afghanistan. This does recall the problems that the Kennedy Administration had with Diem of South Vietnam, Diem would not listen to US concern about his running of the Government, in the end the Kennedy Administration gave the green light for coup against Diem. This was the worse mistake of the Kennedy Administration, after the removal of Diem there was no stable government in South Vietnam, the the history lesson to Obama don't push a shaky barn, you might end up with no barn and barren land. In simpler language, if you get rid of Karzai you could end up with no leader that has support in Afghanistan and you end up being the Government of Afghanistan, does Holbrooke want to Viceroy of Afghanistan?

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