Sunday, August 23, 2009

Is Afghanistan the New Vietnam War, is Obama the New LBJ

The New York Times: Reports on how the War in Afghanistan could become another Vietnam, and how President Obama could become another LBJ. The NYT writes the following on Afghanistan, " the government there remains so plagued by corruption and inefficiency that it has limited legitimacy with the Afghan public. Just as.......... South Vietnamese governments, " As stated many times in this blog, Afghanistan is now Obama's War, he has made himself the new LBJ. The War in Afghanistan was the Just War that Obama wanted to fight and used as a club against the Republicans in the Presidential Election of 2008. Afghanistan in many respects is Vietnam, its a War that the West cant completely win but can not afford to lose, NATO's credibility is on the line when it comes to Afghanistan. Also the additional problem with the War in Afghanistan is that Obama cant leave due to the fact that any pull out would endanger the security of Pakistan, lets recall Pakistan is a nuclear armed power. If the West was to leave the Taliban/Terrorists would have a base to attack the civic structure of Pakistan. The Taliban in control of Pakistan would make the War in Vietnam look like amateur hour, thus Obama is stuck in Afghanistan, as was LBJ in Vietnam.

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