Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Bloggers are Not Above the Law - Good

Telegraph: Reports that Google has unmasked a blogger by order of a US Court who defamed a Vogue Model. This is a good move by the US Court System, bloggers should be under the same rules that apply to anybody that reports, its a matter of fairness. A blogger should be a civic reporter, using negative terms to describe someone else should not be allowed. If your going to say something that is personally negative then you should have the guts to place your name by the article. Lets be clear there is a difference between political blogs and celebrity blogs. This blog uses the title Views from the UK 2006 as it deals with International Politics, Politics in the UK and the USA, International History, History and the Arts. It is not interested the world of celebrity, it does not do gossip or personal attack on individuals. Thus good for the US Court System.

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