Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Two Words - More Troops

Telegraph: Reports that Sir Richard Dannatt the head of the British Army has stated that more troops are needed in Afghanistan. Sir Richard Dannatt has being diplomatic by stating that the troops could be from the UK,USA or Afghanistan but it was reported in the UK Times that the UK Army Chiefs asked for two thousand troops for Afghanistan. New Labour under Gordon Brown went for the cheap option and sent out seven hundred troops to cover for the Presidential Election in Afghanistan in August; this is not enough; if we are going to stay and lose more troops in Afghanistan we need to send out more troops and buy some new helicopters form the USA if need be, recent UK military operations in Afghanistan as stated by the Times needed the USA to transport our troops. As stated this is national disgrace, yes they are allies but we are Great Britain not Switzerland. Thus its time PM Gordon Brown grew a backbone, send more troops, send or buy new helicopters for Afghanistan, also make sure our land transport can survive IED's from the enemy. LET SUPPORT OUR TROOPS.

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