Saturday, July 11, 2009

Tipping Point in Afghanistan?

Telegraph: Reports from the front line, and the view that UK surge is working, and that the Taliban/Terrorists are being push out of Helmand. The Taliban/Terrorists could be using the Viet Cong strategic method, they might be losing on the ground but want to sap the will of the UK population to fight the War in Afghanistan. If we are winning on the ground, and by winning we are taking ground and keeping the Taliban from coming back then we have to give time to the Army. Also we need to send out more troops with better kit, that goes from personal amour to helicopters, if we are staying in Afghanistan lets win in the bloody place. Thus lets see if the US and UK can keep the ground they take and win the hearts of minds of the locals. If we can take the population away from the Taliban, then we are half way to victory. The question is what kind of victory are we looking for, if we expect a Liberal Democracy then we are going to be disappointed, what we need a semi functional government that can control most of the country and repel the Taliban/Terrorists. If this can be done with having a semi Democratic Government with rights for women that would be great but that is by product not the objective. Thus if takes a Military Rule by a Strong General with no rights for women so be it, as long as we can get out, and our National Security is not under constant threat.

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