Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Third Front in Pakistan

The Times: Reports that a third front in the terror war in Pakistan has opened up in North Waziristan, a local Tribal Chief has killed twenty three soldiers of the Army of Pakistan. The tribal badlands of the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan is a nightmare for a regular Army to fight at the best of time, this is not that time, the Army of Pakistan is learning to fight terrorists, its main military planning is to fight India. Thus it will take time for the Army of Pakistan to learn new military strategy, it took the US Army three years. Thus it will be a tough fight in Waziristan, its an insurgent heaven for fighting, mountains, passes that are hard to block, local loyalties, the need for troops to stay on the ground and win hearts and minds. This is going to be long and tough fight for the Army of Pakistan, lets hope they learn faster than the US Army in Iraq. The Taliban/Terrorists have access to Afghanistan, thus when the fighting gets heavy they can cross the border, the Obama surge of troops is just starting, thus it is important that the the US Military and Army of Pakistan co -ordinate military planning to flush out the terrorists, or the War in Afghanistan will hurt Obama as Iraq hurt Bush 43.

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