Sunday, May 17, 2009

Washington Post Supports Obama over National Security

The Washington Post: In an Editorial the Elite Washington Post supports the Obama policy in Afghanistan and Pakistan, while still thinking that a Time Frame for leaving Iraq is a mistake. It seems that unlike the Extreme Liberal New York Times, the WP has learnt the lessons of Vietnam. Also Reporters on the whole supported Obama in the 08 Campaign for the Presidency. I find it odd that I oppose the AfPak Policy of Obama, I have argued so many times on this blog that its a mistake for present and past reasons, but in many respects Obama is lucky, the Liberal Press has no place to go, it wanted Obama they just didn't think it would be another LBJ. If Afghanistan goes down the toilet as I have postulated, expected the Liberals to go after Obama as they went after LBJ. Thus the main points for my solution is simple and complex, do a deal with the Taliban in Afghanistan, they get Afghanistan but keep their nose out of Pakistan, and also repel Al Qeada if they come back over the border. In Pakistan destroy the Taliban of Pakistan, help on the civic structure as stated, it will cost but it will cost less that a Taliban run Pakistan. In Iraq keep to the deal for withdrawal but do an extra deal for an American base in Iraq as in Germany and Japan after World War Two. As to the terrorists at Gitmo, well keep Gitom open but call it something else, re-brand the jail. A lot of blogs are critical but at least you get some solutions, not great but then most choices are the lesser evil.

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