Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Taliban have Upper Hand in Afghanistan - US Defence Secretary Gates

Fox News: Reports on a frank interview by the US Defence Secretary Robert Gates, the Secretary has stated that the Taliban/Terrorists have the upper hand in the fighting and that the USA will only have a short time to turned Afghanistan around, a year. The Secretary is being honest, but there can be to much honesty in PR and International Politics, Afghanistan wont get turned around in a year, not as long as the Taliban/Terrorists have safe heavens in Pakistan. The Army of Pakistan is just getting to grip with the Taliban/Terrorists in the Swat Valley and an expected second front in the Tribal badlands on the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. One has to ask why is the UK losing good men and women in combat if we cant win this war, we cant afford to lose this war but we will never have total victory, the USA and the UK has to develop a new strategy for Afghanistan and Pakistan. Have suggested a deal with the Taliban of Afghanistan in an attempt to split them for the Taliban of Pakistan. If a deal can be made, no one likes the Taliban, but its the same with North Korea, you deal with the cards you have, thus worth a punt as we say in the UK. Then move Western Forces to the Tribal badlands on both side of the border with Afghanistan and Pakistan, clean house, remove the Taliban/Terrorists, help with the civic structure of the region, make sure the Government of Pakistan is secure also their nuclear weapons. Pakistan is the key, Afghanistan is the result of the policy in many respects.

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