Sunday, May 31, 2009

Is US Supreme Court Nonimee Judge Sotomayor Colour Blind ?

The New York Times: Reports on the legal career of Obama's nominee for the US Supreme Court, Judge Sotomayor, the Liberal NYT writes the following on Sotomayor, " has championed the importance of considering race and ethnicity in admissions, hiring and even judicial selection at almost every stage of her career..." It seems Justice is no long blind in the US Court System, one of Judge Sotomayor legal decisions opens her up to the charge that is an extreme Liberal and racist, in one case a white claimant who had a disability lost a promotion at his employment due to the fact that the exam he had passed had no been passed by other people of a ethnic background, in other words a reverse racism or just racist. How come the Civil Rights movement of the 60s had gone down the toilet, colour, gender, religious background should not be an issue, but those that fought racism have become racist.

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