Friday, April 10, 2009

What Iraqi Withdrawal ?

The Times: Reports on the comments of General General Ray Odierno, the Commander of US Forces in Iraq, the General has stated that the schedule for the US withdrawal from Iraq might have to change due to the terrorist threat. These comments will not go down well with the Obama White House, although the overall plan for withdrawal is still a go, the details by the sound of it will have to change somewhat. The Agreement between Iraq and the USA had US troops off the streets of Iraq, but with the upsurge in terrorists attack and other ethnic flash points the USA might still need a presence in some of the cities of Iraq. One can postulate that the terrorists will look at the calender, if they can be seen as forcing the USA out they will fill the political vacuum when US has left. Thus it is import that while Obama turns his eye to Afghanistan he does not forget that Iraq can also cause him political damage. The Bush Surge has worked, if while withdrawing troops there is a violent outbreak in Iraq and Obama has to send the troops back in, he will be a one term President.

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