Thursday, April 09, 2009

Pakistan and Afghanistan, Endless War

Time: Reports on the political, military and economic situation in Afghanistan and Pakistan. On the whole some good news form Afghanistan, a new plan by the Obama Administration, to build up the civic structure of Afghanistan while fighting the Taliban. In Pakistan is just bad news, more the USA goes after the Taliban the more it causes problems for the secular government of Pakistan. This is one of the best articles I have read on the War in Afghanistan and the terror safe heavens in Pakistan, the civic build up of Afghanistan could of course turn to dust, Obama could not get more combat troops from NATO, it does not matter if you have a good police force if your are losing on the military front to the Taliban/Terrorists. In Pakistan it could be argued that what even Obama does it will have a negative effect on the secular government of Pakistan. Thus in for a penny as much as a pound, Obama should take over the Tribal areas, clean house on the military front but also build the civic structure of the area, build schools that allow for both genders, hospitals, jobs for the locals. Pakistan could be North Vietnam as far as Obama is concerned, if he does not get it right he could be out of office in 2012. Read of the Day.

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