Monday, December 15, 2008

Goodbye Afghanistan

BBC News: Reports on the last visit by President George W. Bush to Afghanistan as President of the United States of America. The War in Afghanistan and Iraq has defined the Bush Presidency, the War in Iraq is over, it will become a low level conflict for the Obama Administration. The War in Afghanistan could define the Obama Administration, with the Obama surge next year the War in Afghanistan will become Obama's War. The problem for Obama is that you have Pakistan as a neighbour, the terrorists have free access over the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. If the surge fails in Afghanistan and it can be argued that it cant work given the different conditions of geography and politics then what Iraq did for Bush could happen to Obama. In running a Presidential Campaign you run on poetry, a government is about prose, can Obama be a poet and a writer, they don't often combine in the arts. The folks just might miss Bush when he is gone next year.

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