National Journal: An article that looks at the prospect of a Democratic Landslide in November, the Presidency and the House and Senate. Is this like the Reagan victory in 1980 a turning point, a return to the Great Society mode of the 60s. The article asks a very interesting question, " If Obama wins, the threshold question he'll face in devising his governing strategy will be whether his election represents a triumph over just McCain and Bush -- or the conquest of Reagan, too. " Obama comes across as a smart operator, also he has said some kind things about the Reagan Era if not the policies, thus his real problem will be the Liberals in Congress, who might miss read the results as some return to the Big Government, High Taxes of the 60s and 70s. What Obama does not want to happen is that he ends up a one term President, that would almost be as bad as losing now. Thus it can be postulated that Obama will have to keep the Congress at arms length, he might have to run against them four years later, if after four years taxes, inflation and unemployment is up, the folks will blame Obama, thus it can be argued that Obama needs to make sure he that he gets his tax cuts and that the Congress does not blind side him with sharp tax raises, makes him have a weak Foreign Policy and tries to micro manage Iraq and Afghanistan. Obama if he is not careful could become the next Jimmy Carter not Ronald Reagan and in thirty years time they will not be discussing the Obama Era.
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