Thursday, October 09, 2008

Obama not another CLINTON

The New York Times: Reports how Obama is not the type of politician to feel the pain of the voter, aka Bill Clinton. The Liberal New York Times writes the following, " Mr. Obama’s more taciturn nature and his distaste for theatrics, as seen at Tuesday’s debate, are another reminder that he would not, for better or worse, be a Clintonesque “feeler in chief”...." Lets be honest about the Obama character, he is an elitist, intelligent, arrogant politician; minus the politician part so is this writer; but that's not a problem, a good politician has to have the ability to connect with the voter, Reagan was a distant character but he connected with the American people, he had the same ability as FDR, JFK, they could act, even if reality was different from the spin. Reagan was known sometimes as Comforter in Chief due to the fact that he had to attend many public funerals for those that had died on active service or the funerals of the men and women of the Challenger Mission. He was seen as being there for the families of those that had died, Obama when he is elected President will have to stop making speeches and interact with people, they will need to comforter not someone who is remote and cold manner. The Obama Camp has to get Obama ready, get him some acting lessons, as in warm, as intelligent guy should be able fake warmth its not that hard when looking at other problems an Obama Administration will face in 2009.

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