Saturday, September 20, 2008

Rights for Agency Workers!

Over the past few weeks I have worked for Employment Agency, they sent me to a major company in the area, as the company needed workers, I did not get an Interview, just start the following day. Thus from the 21/8/08 to 19/9/08 I worked for this major Company, not taking a day off due to illness or holiday. I discovered that the Company had plans to move me to a Call Centre environment, as I have a speech Impediment I informed them of this fact, on Friday after work I was informed that I was let go, one can postulate after that all hard work one would have been tested one one's phone skills, but no, just the boot, but this was not surprising. after only a week and two days without no training after that, in less I asked I was placed on the work, the Company is in the profit Industry. I wonder if their clients can appreciate the lack of training by this major company, its outlets are in bookies, pubs, Casinos all over the world. One would think that the Company would have the decency to inform people if they are being let go, but there is something rotten, a company that does not inspire loyalty, has a high burn rate for those that work for it, under a year seems to be the duration of employment. I wish the company would have inspired me to but no, just shows that a company, will use and abuse its employers does not deserve the trust or loyalty of those it employs, it can not be called a gentleman but a cad, yes Sir a Cad, the Gipper inspired his supporters, this company would make one take the pledge in its business.

I call on the government to take action as to protect Agency workers, if you are disabled and a company takes you on, it should at least try to find other work for you that does not involve you having to leave the company, what shame for a Labour Government and the Welsh Assembly.

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