Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Obama and Context

New York Times: A excellent article by David Brooks on how come Obama has not gotten a double digit lead over McCain. The answer is simple, what is the context of Obama. As stated I was an early supporter of Obama on this Blog and other Media. But the context changed, the post racial candidate became the African - American Candidate who was the Democratic Nominee not the other way around. He was not Hillary Clinton that was a major bonus, but as of now he has changed his mind on so many polices its hard to see what the difference was between the two, just that Obama wanted to win more at the end. If Obama's moves on Iraq, this blog will support him but his refusal to move and to pander to the left has moved this blog to more critical and also more supportive of McCain. It all could have been so different if had had not been for Pastor Wright. Read of the Day.

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