Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Reagan, Carter and Obama vs The War on Terror

The New Republic: A article that will look at how a Obama Administration would fight the War on Terror. An interesting argument, that Obama will use the Reagan and Carter doctrines for Foreign Policy, as in Reagan the use of local government or NGOs to fight the cause of USA interests and the Carter Policy of benefits as in money and support if these NGOs and governments follow some American rules of conduct. A good article makes you think, lets postulate that Obama wins, with a healthy majority in both Chambers of Congress, lets recall that will be a lot of Liberals, do you think they will allow Obama a free hand in Foreign Policy, the Liberal Left wing of the Democratic Party have a pre 9/11 mind set, they watch to much Law and Order, thus have a police mind set to terrorism. All the reforms that the Bush Administration has created to prevent another terrorist attack would be seen through the eyes of San Francisco Liberals, UBL should be read his rights before being either shot or arrested, no harsh treatment of terrorists, all calls or email outside the USA would require a warrant, the terrorist would have more rights that the American Citizen. The success of the President is seen in what he can get done on the Hill, Obama will need the Congress to pass his Agenda. The cost will be the National Security of the USA and the West. Read of the Day.

Update: Non Government Organisations. In the Reagan Time it was the Freedom fighters of Nicaragua, the Contras.

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