Thursday, July 10, 2008

Appeasement and the NYT

New York Times: It did not take long for the Liberal Times to be critical of the new wiretapping law, the Times states the following, " was distressing — and depressing — to watch Congress wrench Americans’ civil liberties back to where they were in the days before Watergate, when the United States government listened to our phone calls whenever it wanted. " The NYT seems to have forgotten about 9/11, and that although Terrorists might work outside the USA, most Internet connections go through the USA. Thus we are in a new day, the government needs this new law, if a terrorist is talking to a fellow terrorist outside the USA but the connection goes through the USA why should the Government need a warrant. The first people I would bug would be the Times, they seem to place their right to publish state secret above the security of the USA. Also they have a go at Senator Obama as he voted for the new law, well he must be doing something right if the Times is on his back, the security of the USA comes first, the Senator voted for the USA, its about time the Times though more about the USA and not the terrorist.

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