Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Super Tuesday - Delegates Result

Well folks its back to the start for the Democrats, the RCP Delegates Table has Clinton on 900 delegates and Obama 824, Obama down by 76. But Obama is lucky as the States coming up should help him as they have a large African – American community, thus a heavy vote for Obama should limit the gains by Hillary Clinton in these states more favourable to the Obama Campaign. On the Republican side McCain has gained 604 delegates compared to the 244 for Romney. This could be the time for Romney to get out, support McCain, might get the VP spot, if Bush 41 can be Vice – President to Ronald Reagan why not Romney for McCain. The 1980s campaign was not a bed of roses; Bush 41 called Reagan’s Economic Plan, Voodoo Economics, but was still chosen for Vice – President. If Romney does not get out, could lose the VP spot to Huckabee. I would not be surprised to see Romney out of the race, very hard for him to catch up with McCain in the following states. McCain has to get conservative support, break bread and win in November.

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