Friday, February 29, 2008

RCP - Texas Polls

As noted in previous Blog, I have called Texas for Obama; here is the base line for this call. RCP collects the polls and does an average of the Polls. The RCP Average of Polls has Obama ahead of Clinton by 2.4%. Thus here is a look at individual polls and what we can read in to them for next Tuesday, lets start with Zogby, in this Poll Obama is ahead by six points, Obama 48%, Clinton 42%. If this was the actual result or Obama was even further ahead it would be over for Hillary Clinton, the Super Delegates would jump on mass for Obama. The question would be asked, who would tell her its over, Bill Clinton? My favourite Pollster now, Rasmussen, here the lead held by Obama is more narrow, 4 points, Obama 48%, Clinton 44%. If it’s a very narrow Primary and Caucus win for Obama the race wont be over, this could go all the way to the Convention, blood on the carpets, secret deals, like the season six of the West Wing.

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