Monday, February 04, 2008

California Dreaming - Poll

Well tomorrow is the day, Super Duper Tuesday, heaven for us political geeks but a long night for the campaigns. Lets look at Super Duper California, Romney and Obama have over taken the previous leaders, McCain and Clinton. It should be noted that Obama could win the state but due to the Democratic system of the Democrats, Clinton could nab a lot more delegates due to the fact that each Congressional District gets a few delegates. It’s all down to maths and percentages have even seen some of the networks have difficult with the system. Simple by the end of Tuesday, it could be that we are back at the start, McCain v Romney and Clinton v Obama each with the same about of delegates. It really depends on California. Thus lets have a look at the latest Zogby Tracking Poll.

On the Republican side we have the following results:

Romney 40 %

McCain 32 %

The thought that Senator John McCain could win the nomination has pushed the Conservatives in to one final effort to stop him in California. Is it to late, still to close to call.

On the Democratic side we have the following results:

Obama 46 %

Clinton 40 %

If Obama can win big in California and take the delegates in the Congressional Districts then Clinton might be in trouble.

It would be ironic if at the end of this, it were a Romney v Obama race.

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