Sunday, June 10, 2007

Bobby ( Film on Robert F. Kennedy )

Views has just seen the great film Bobby, directed and written by Emilo Estevez. If your going to see or buy a DVD get the film. As readers of this blog might have a guess VIEWS is a proud Neo Con, but can also see the greatness in other side, Bobby Kennedy, well lets factual he in real life preferred Bob, if you think about it you can see why, he was the Attorney General of the United States after all, a mature role by any one standards. Its a great film with a great cast, Mr Estevez has a great future and writer.

But as Views watched the film one can see why Mr Estevez look at Bobby as if looking through a half opened door. Bobby Kennedy it has been argued has two periods one as his Brother's Keeper and thus his protector and also he was after Castro as much as JFK. In other words we have the ruthless Bobby, the one that a threw a girlfriend of JFK back to Germany as to avoided problems and also allowed the FBI to place listening devices on the phones of Dr King. Then we have the Bobby of the left, but even that is up to debate. If you reads academic books on the argument between Bobby and LBJ, one finds that their methods of getting people out of poverty was different, LBJ wanted to spend money while Bobby want to give them the tools to help themselves. Also on Vietnam got real under JFK and if he had lived would he have gotten out in 1964, same team and it would have hurt RFK if had wanted to run for public office to get out of the Nam before the American people turned against the war, that was in 1968 after Tet.

Thus when you watch the film appreciate that it is a great film but it is not the whole story it does not claim to be, so start to read about RFK, RFK was a complex character and interesting. But and here is the but liberals have a great problem in understanding his full character a great American but also a man that protected his brother and was ruthless but could change that is the interesting part, the road taken but could not be finished, it is hard to say what the end would have been if 1968 had not happened. Another What ifs of History.

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