Thursday, January 25, 2007

The Speech and the Press

An Interesting and fun article by the Washington Post on the Speech, and more important fair, not something you find in the elite Media. The different views from the Republicans and Democrats is best described by the article at the end, " Cheney and Pelosi stood side by side, looking forward, not knowing quite what to say. " It was fun watching the Vice President and the Speaker standing when they agreed with something and not, staying put in their Seat when the other got up.

As you would expect of the New York Times, it was Iraq and Iraq, NYT managed to say something nice , " For a man who finds himself struggling to maintain public and political support, Mr. Bush delivered the speech in a confident tone, with easy and relaxed smiles. " But it but the boot in at the end, " But the Democrats have been in control only a few weeks, and polls indicate that for now the public is more likely to side with them in a fight. And it is not clear that Mr. BushÂ’s new proposals would do anything to reverse the political balance of power. " In other words the President will fail and the Democrats have the whip hand.

In Newsweek, the President former Speech writer saw the speech as a plus for Bush and a negative for the Democrats, as if he would say anything else.

The Boston Globe states the following on the Speech, " On domestic policy, the president's words were conciliatory. But he is still going it alone in Iraq, losing even many in his own party. " As we are talking of the state that has Ted Kennedy and John F. Kerry as their Senators no great news here.

The Elite Media was never going to give Bush a fair hearing, but on the whole the Speech was good, the President is no Ronald Reagan, but then few Presidents are, it will be interesting to see how the great public of the USA react to the Speech.

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