Wednesday, August 30, 2006

The Campaign to Pardon Mr Libby

It is reported today in the New York Times (Register Required) and on CNN, that Richard Armitage, Deputy Secretary of State in the First Term of George W. Bush leaked the name of Valerie Plame to Robert Novak. As usual the Times shows how biased it is in coverage of the Bush administration, the article stresses that the leak was a mistake, even shows how it happened. As Mr Armitage is seen as a moderate, he will be given a pass by the MSM, Main Stream Media. I would guess if the name was Karl Rove one would be hearing calls for an Independent Council and what did the President learn the information and when did he forget. One can hear the Liberal Bloggers now stressing that it was a mistake and it does not matter that the real case is the one that will take place next year for Mr Libby. A charge by the way that has nothing to do with the first point of the investigation. It is about time for Conservatives to ask the President to Pardon Mr Libby. It would save the American Tax Payers and would follow the example of George H.W. Bush when he gave a pardon to those involved in the Iran – Contra Affair.

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