A look at the Politics of the United States and the UK. The Foreign Policies of both countries and how they behave in the International Community.
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Death of a Good Man

Courtesy Gerald R. Ford Library
Views was sad to hear that President Gerald R. Ford had died on Tuesday at the age of 93. The Right Man at the Right Time with the Right policies for the USA after Watergate and Vietnam.
Views sends his sympathy to the Ford Family at this time.
Here are links to the different American News on the death.
Monday, December 25, 2006
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Taking Out the Trash
Sandy Berger, National Security Advisor to President Bill Clinton hid Secret Documents CNN reports. The documents looked at the response of the Clinton Administration to the threat from Terrorism.
Fox News Reports on the case, ' Berger pleaded guilty to unlawfully removing and retaining classified documents. He was fined $50,000, ordered to perform 100 hours of community service and was barred from access to classified material for three years. ' The Report on the case has security restrictions.
The Washington Post states the following on the case, ' What Berger did, and the ham-handed and comical methods by which he did it, are freshly detailed in the National Archives report, which the Associated Press obtained first under a Freedom of Information Act request. '
If Berger had been a Republican, VIEWS thinks the Elite Media would have played the story more.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Off - Subject: Best Deserts in North Wales
As this is the Festive season, what ever the PC lobby think, Views has taken the great trouble of visiting the finer pubs that do excellent Deserts, if a viewer of this Page has a chance, they could find themselves having a nice drink and a desert at the following establishments, The Ship in Porthmadog, The Prince of Wales near Pwllheli. All are excellent places to unwind during the festive season and after the Xmas shopping.
Bush News Conference
Monday, December 18, 2006
The Xmas Season
In the Pentagon Robert Gates has taken over, and it is reported that the President is going to send more troops to Iraq not less, the Iraq Study Group report has been to use a sporting term, benched. The Former Secretary of State, Colin Powell is not impressed with the idea of sending more troops to Iraq. Hillary Clinton is shifting to left to regain her leadership of the Liberal wing of the Democratic Party; the Senator has stated she is opposed to more troops. The Prospect of Edwards, Gore, Obama coming from her left must becoming a valid worry for the Junior Senator form New York.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Kennedy Smells the Coffee
After Xmas for Iraq
It is reported today in both the Washington Post and CNN that the new policy on Iraq will come after xmas holiday, how many troops will that cost, this is to important to wait, this is a matter of national security of the USA and the UK, if the USA and UK are getting a new policy, lets get it out there, it might save some troops who are fighting in Iraq. Views has been a strong supporter of the War and even argues it was the right move now, but if change is coming lets change, does waiting for xmas help a soldier stuck in a fox hole, Views has his doubts, new policy might help. Waiting has been the problem, lets get ahead of the curve on Iraq.
Iraq and American Politics
Iraq Study Group Report, Click for Full Report For VIEWS view see last blog.
Bush Gets Advice from State Department
The Speech, Dec 18 2006
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Iraq Study Group Report - Summary
Well folks its here the REPORT that is meant to solve Iraq, slight problem it does not and the solutions could cause more problems later down the line. In the Executive Summary the Report states that the USA should talk to Iran and Syria, but it seems to think that the interest of these countries is somehow on the fringes of the interest of the United States, Iran’s nuclear issue should be dealt with by the UN Security Council and that Lebanon is part of the Regional problems of the Middle East that the USA should deal with outside Iraq. The Solution to all these problems comes through Iraq, and are not in different boxes. The Report also argues for more troops as an end game for getting troops out, its like saying that we want to score a goal in soccer to lose the game overall, well that how it reads.
The policy of stating that Troops should be out by 2008 given the security environment is stupid, if you’re an insurgent, simple keep quite till 2008 and then let lose the dogs of war, the Americans on the whole would be out and they would not wan to get back in to a major civil war in Iraq in a American Presidential Election year.
The Report sounds like something written by moderate Democrats not quite wanting to cut and run but not wanting to fight either, the worse of both worlds, if you are not going to win you get OUT, a Soldier who fights for his or her country deserves the right to expect his leaders to want to win, in Vietnam in the end they did not want to win, winning mean taking tough and hard decisions, expanding not contraction of War, weakness breeds contempt, after the defeat in Vietnam in 1975.
The idea that if Iraq should fail to meet benchmarks then the USA should leave it to its fate, is almost as bad as Vietnam or worse, the war will not stop if American walks away.
This is brief summary after reading the Executive Summary, VIEWS will get his further thoughts back when he has read the whole thing with a decent cup tea, if the summary is bad, what will the rest be like…
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Gates New Secretary of Defense
It should be noted and understood that when Bush 41 came in to Power, he placed a lot of Ford people in to his administration, he took six months to review Reagan's policy with the USSR, by the time they got around to getting a policy the Berlin Wall was coming down and Iraq and the New World Order post USSR was forming.
Transcript of Hearing
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Sunday Read
Fred Barnes in the Weekly Standard argues that Bush should hang tough from Iraq to the Courts, as he has nothing to lose.
Douglas Brinkley in the Washington Post argues that Bush has failed and that he can be considered in the same league as Hoover.
A different view also in the Washington Post argues that Bush has time, and points out that Truman was not that popular on leaving Office but is now considered near great President.
As President George W. Bush pointed out, history will be written and rewritten when we here now are dust and wont care!
Thursday, November 30, 2006
The New Cold War with an Old Enemy?
Iraq Study Group
The delayed meeting between President George W. Bush and the Prime Minister of Iraq has finally happened. The President stated the following at a Press Conference on his meeting with the PM, ' I expressed my concern about the security situation; he expressed his concern about the security situation. After all, one of his most important jobs is to provide security for the Iraqi people. Part of the Prime Minister's frustration is, is that he doesn't have the tools necessary to take care of those who break the law. ' Although the Iraq Study Group might want a compromise the President might see this has his chance to place a line in the sand and go his own way, President Ronald Reagan also had his critics and in the end he was right.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Iraq Civil War?
An interesting story in the Washington Times, it seems that the religious groups in Iraq are getting ready for their own war, the Times states the following, ' Rival Shi'ite and Sunni groups are massing their militias in expectation of major confrontations,..' The weakness of the government and its Prime Minister is shown as the Washington Times notes, ' Iraqis in Baghdad note that Mr. al-Maliki was pelted with rocks on Sunday when he went to visit grieving families in Sadr City -- once the base of his support. ' Has it finally come to a tipping point of all out civil war.
The informed judgment of VIEWS is that Iraq is close but not yet, there is still time, the answer is the problem.
A planned meeting between President George W. Bush and the Prime Minister of Iraq, Nouri al-Maliki has been delayed due to a press leak from a White House Memo. The Washington Post states the following, ' The last-minute change in plans was announced the same day a classified memo from White House adviser Stephen J. Hadley was leaked to the New York Times in which Hadley questions whether Maliki "is both willing and able to rise above the sectarian agendas being promoted by others. " ' The Washington Post must be annoyed that NYT gets all the good leaks. The Article goes to state the following, ' The leaked memo, written earlier this month by national security adviser Hadley, expressed the administration's private frustration with Maliki's performance and outlined a series of proposed steps for the United States and Iraq to take. '
CNN states the following on the meeting, ' The postponement was announced shortly after Bush arrived here for talks with Jordan's King Abdullah II and al-Maliki. Bush's meeting with the king was to proceed on schedule. '
New York Times, Text of Leak Memo, Memo, in the leak memo, an interesting question is aksed of the Prime Minister, ' is he able to curb those who seek Shia hegemony or the reassertion of Sunni power? The answers to these questions are key in determining whether we have the right strategy in Iraq. '
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Hastings Out
Alcee Hastings has been pushed aside as Chairman of the Intel committee by the Speaker Elect, a smart political move by Speaker Pelosi. The Congressman stated he would play an active part in the next session in January.
Three Ages of Cold War
Cold War Part Three
When Impeachment means Not Guilty!
Thursday, November 23, 2006
The Hastings Problem
David Corn writing in the Liberal leaning Nation states the following on Hastings. ‘ In the late 1980s, Hastings, then a federal judge, was impeached by the Democratic-controlled House on bribery and perjury charges and removed from office by the Democratic-led Senate. He was later elected to the House and subsequently joined the intelligence committee. ’ Corn states the following solution for the new Speaker to think about, ‘ She ought to instead adopt a radical stance and give this most important job to the most qualified person. ’ This would be the prudent political action to take, or in pure political terms the Republicans can come back and say, that the Democrats have learnt nothing from their problems.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
On the Assassination
The New York Times states the following on the assassination of Pierre Gemayel in Lebanon today, Gemayel, a ‘ strong opponent of Syrian influence in Lebanon, was gunned down in his car here on Tuesday afternoon, jolting a nation already paralyzed by political conflict that threatens to topple the government. ’ The assassination follows a pattern of those opposed to Syria being killed.
The general view is that Syria has had some hand in the killings, this does cause a problem, while Syria wants influence in Lebanon and uses all methods and thus causes problems for the West, we might need Syria to help the UK and USA in Iraq. A time for hard tough real politics or the pursuit of the Truth.
Time states the following, ‘ Since Hariri's death, a bombing campaign has killed or injured a series of anti-Syrian politicians and journalists. The last murder, of newspaper publisher Gebran Tueni, took place in December of last year. ’
Thus if Syria is behind the killings over the past few years and we need Syria to help us out in Iraq, it will take very careful diplomacy and averting our eyes from the Truth, in the end one has to ask what was the point of Iraq.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Iraq OR Nam
The mess that is Iraq, what are the options that can be meet or not meet.
1. Regional Conference with Iran, Syria, but what will they want to attend, what do they want from the West, well the USA and will their demands be meet. In the case of Syria, Lebanon under its influence and no past investigations in to its actions. In the case of Iran, the West allowing it to became a Nuclear Power but would the West allow Iran to became a armed nuclear power.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Majority Leader Vote, Moderation Wins
Steny Hoyer, Majority Leader, Click here
Speaker - Elect Nancy Pelosi
Link to Speaker Elect's Home Page, Click here
John Murtha
Click here
Pictures courtesy of US Congress, Representatives Home Pages
In the race to be Majority Leader, John Murtha has lost to Steny Hoyer by 149 - 86. An Article in the Washington Post states the following, ‘… the showdown divided the Democratic House caucus only a week after the party won a majority of seats in the Congress that convenes in January. ’ After the election the Speaker - Elect stated that she looked forward to working with her Deputy. Lets see when the political fighting starts among the DEMOCRATS!!
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
The Democrats and Reality

Courtesy U.S Congress:
Congressman Murtha’s Official Photo, US Congress
Link to the Representative John Murtha’s, Congressional Page
It should be noted that Representative Murtha supported the Contra Freedom Fighters during the 1980s. A brief history of Murtha, he has served in the Military, a close relationship to this day with the military, a move and shaker in the political corridors. But more important he came out against the Iraq War and gave cover to the Liberal wing of the Democratic Party. Thus his support by Pelosi for the Job of Majority Leader.
In a press release the Congressman states the following, ‘ I intend to help to bring back to this institution: civility; credibility; respect for each other and the offices we hold; and, most importantly, hard work, compromise, and results. It will be difficult at times, no question, because it is not easy to compromise when you believe passionately in a position or a goal. …. But like any authority figure, we have an impact on those who look to us and see in our behavior the example of what is and is not acceptable, professional, honorable, and American. We must set a new standard for leadership in this Congress because Americans are watching and so we must lead by example. ’
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Remembrance Day
Today we remember those that have died in the Service of the Crown past and present. Today we learnt that UK forces have lost four troops on the Shatt al - Arab waterway in Basra and a further three troops have been severely injured. It is a time to pray and remember past and present losses. It is a day to Remember.
BBC News Story of the Attack today.
Ministry of Defence Statement on the attack and loss of troops. Click here.
In total the UK has lost 125 personnel from the armed forces in Iraq.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
When does the Political War Start?
For full story Click here.
It has to be wondered with 2008 only two years away when does the all out political war start. Views would guess half way through next year.
The Truth and Politics and Iraq
The President has stated that the New Democratic Leaders will be given all the information they need as to form policy. The question is if you’re a Democrat is it better to have all the information or plead that you didn’t know. Easy to plead that if not in power, but the Democrats are now in control of Congress. They have their Seat at the Table; in 2008 will that be a bonus or a major hindrance to the Democratic Nominee. Yes Folks the 2008 Election starts NOW. If you’re a political geek this is great, if not a political geek why not!!
Interesting Articles on the Election Aftermath

Secretary Rumsfeld, President George W. Bush and Robert Gates.
The President announced the Resignation of Secretary Rumsfeld and the Nomination of Robert Gates as his successor.
The Presidential Statement: Click here
Article in Slate on Robert Gates, the Nominee for Secretary of Defense, Click here.
Robert Novak Article on Robert Gates, Novak points out that Gates in the past tried to keep Intelligence ‘pure’, in other words not slanted to fit policy requirements, interesting. Click here.
The return of Bush 41, Interesting article on the perceived return of the Advisors of 41 to fix the mess of 43. Click here.
Article in the New York Times on Robert Gates, for the NYT almost supportive! Click here.
Another positive article this time from the Washington Post, Click here.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Politics is a mean Business
Brief Overview of the Election Result
After five years as Prime Minister and the defeat of Germany in 1945, the election of 1945 was seen as an easy victory for Churchill, of course we had the Labour government in 1945. 9/11 happened five years ago, no attack since, the terrorists have been removed from Afghanistan; the group has morphed in to a franchise operation with independent operators in different parts of the world. Thus they are harder to find as we saw by 7/7, but also they are less organized to plan a massive terrorist attack. It can be argued that UBL and ‘ The Base ’, his terrorist group, where are at their height pre 9/11, after 9/11 the group and its leaders and its supporters where either caught, killed or returned to their homes and hid their guns till they came back to fight British Forces over the last few years.
Thus we come to Iraq, it has to be asked with all the information we have now, what would have been the right policy to have when it comes to Iraq. As Iraq had no Weapons of Mass Destruction it has to be asked from a British point of view if the loss of 121 troops was worth the cost in sacrifice of our brave troops. Pre Iraq was many supported the government based on its argument that Iraq had WMD and it could be used in short order. Thus after 9/11 the wait and see policy was not an option, those that support a tough security policy supported the government based on the information it has been given, and saw those that opposed such action as weak if no appeasers, it can be argued that those that opposed the War had a point if only in a narrow manner that other options should be considered. The guilty sentence on its former leader can be argued made the war a right policy decision. Our troops are fighting a noble mission, we cant walk away that would be weak.
Thus the Mid Term Elections in many respects has given the USA and the UK a get out clause, the Democrats want change, well this is a chance for President Bush, they want to seat at the table, well drag them in and force them to take a stand, force the fissions with the Democratic Party, between the cut and run lot, that policy would hand the terrorist a victory that would cost the west for years, those that want to divide Iraq, any one with a brief knowledge of history should recall the death and destruction that was caused by the British division of India and Pakistan, not our finest hour. Those that want to put an Iraq face on the military, in other words to use the old American policy from Vietnam, and that didn’t work out well as we all now, that was a disaster for Vietnam and for the countries around Vietnam.
The above just shows there are no great options for Iraq, lets hope the Baker Report has a get out clause for the USA and the UK and one that the Democrats cant run away from, they wanted to win so they own the results.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Final Predictions for the Mid Term Elections in the United States on the 7th of November 2006
Interesting article in the Washington Post, way down in the article it mentions that the generic polls is now 45 – 51 in favour of the Democrats. It should be noted that the article gives the impression that the election is a done deal, I would expect more from the Washington Post.
Here comes VIEWS prediction on House Seats. I will use the following guides, Democratic Pick Up, and 50/50. As it is about how many seats the Democrats can pick up to take the House, I will look at these and any seats they might have at risk. As a guide I have used the Seats suggested by RCP.
Arizona 8
Pennsylvania 10
Colorado 7
Ohio 18
New York 24
50/50 Personal View
Texas 22 ( R Hold )
Florida 16 ( R Hold)
Indiana 8
Pennsylvania 7
Iowa 1
North Carolina 11 (R Hold )
New Mexico 1
The Above are from RCP list of leaning Democrat / 12, Views has DPU 5 in the Bag, in the 50/50 Range I have the Republicans holding the Delay and Foley Seat, that places 4 in the 50/50 range.
The next section is based on the Seats that RCP places in the 50/50 range.
Ohio 15
Connecticut 4
50/50 PV
Indiana 2 ( R Hold )
Pennsylvania 6
New York 26 (R Hold)
Indiana 9 (R Hold)
Florida 13 ( R Hold)
Connecticut 5
Illinois 6
Minnesota 6 ( R Hold)
New York 20
Ohio 1 ( R Hold)
New Hampshire 2 ( R H)
Arizona 5 ( R H)
Overall Views has the Democratic Pick up at 7 in the bag. The Republicans holding 8 by a slight margin and in the 50/50 margin, 4 Seats. This would give the Democrats 11 Seats, 4 short of Control in the House. If you add the Four seats left from above, that would give them a control.
On the RCP there are two Democratic Seats that are in the 50/50 range: Views sees the following going to the Republicans, Georgia 12,
Thus if you follow the political polls, the Democrats are heading for a wave a new seats in Congress, VIEWS has a different view, here goes, the Republicans hold both Champers. If you are a Republican in the seats I have discussed could you please VOTE for the Republican Candidate or else Views will have to say Bill Clinton was a great President. And that would be beyond a nightmare for this political geek, so VOTE and VOTE Republican.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Congressional Mid Term Elections 2006
If one thing is more fun for political geeks than future elections is looking at past elections and why candidates lost, interesting article on the latest John Kerry foul up, explains why he lost in 2004, Click here for CNN Article. The article states the following, ‘ Republicans unleashed a firestorm of criticism Tuesday against Sen. John Kerry after the Vietnam veteran told college students they'd "get stuck in Iraq" if they didn't work hard in school. ’ The Article states that Kerry had wanted to say something else, another flip flop.
Interesting Article in the Congressional Quarterly on the Mid Term Elections, the article states the following, ‘ The growing probability that the Democrats will win control of the House on Nov. 7, and still have a chance at the taller order of capturing the Senate as well, has hardly caught the political class by surprise. ’ Click here for full Article.
An article in the Washington Times on the expectations game for the Mid Term Elections, Click here for Full Article.
If you only read one Article, VIEWS would recommend this article in the Washington Post, while VIEWS might not agree on their numbers, they are worth a look and gives the political geek something to ponder, Click here for Article.
An interesting article in the Wall Street Journal on the recent development of early voting, the article states the following, ‘ Republicans say they have some good news in early-voting statistics that suggest their voter-turnout machine is providing an edge in some tight races. ’ Click here for full Article.
Well the season for polls has arrived; we have polls for the same House Seat, which show different, and opposite results that cover the same days. Thus over the next few days VIEWS before the election is going to smell the Coffee and let his political gut lead him to make his final predictions for the Mid Terms. Views will make his prediction on the Monday before the election, and should he be wrong by a large margin he will write in his next blog that President Bill Clinton was a great President. As Views has no wish for this great calamity he will try to give an honest and objective opinion based on his reading of the political environment and the dreaded political Polls.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Mid Term Elections, End of October 2006
Missouri: Talent ( R ) 47% - 47% McCaskill ( D )
The fight over stem cell research seems to have helped the Democratic candidate get to even, can it get her over the top in November is another question.
Some interesting articles on the US Mid Term Elections for your Sunday viewing:
Is Bush Alone, Time Article, In essence the article states that the President is a problem to his Republican Candidates and the future depends on how much seats the Democrats win. A narrow majority a limited action, a large majority more problems for the President. The Article states that the Administration will use all the administrative powers of the Presidency to gain its agenda.
The Political Plan of Karl Rove, LA Times Article , the article main point being that the Republicans might be down but they are not out just yet.
The Money game in Politics, Washington Post Article , the article states the following on the political TV adds that will be produced by both Parties, ‘ Most of the ads will be dark and accusatory ’ As the article points out, the right political plan followed could decide who controls the House for the next two years.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
A Hung Parliament, Sorry Hung House of Representatives
Some new Senate Polls, have come out, Tennessee, Bob Corker (R) is at 49% compared to 44% for Harold Ford ( D ) RCP average is Corker up by 3%. In Missouri, two Polls have Jim Talent ( R ) up by 3% , they both place Jim Talent at 48% and his Democratic Opponent, Claire McCaskill at 45% , the RCP average is Talent up by 1% . In Virginia we have two different Polls, one has George Allan ( R ) up by 4% over his Democratic Opponent James Webb, but another Poll has Webb ahead of Allen by 3%. The RCP average has Allen ahead by 1.8%. RCP has the Democrats taking four seats in the Senate; they are two short for control of the Senate.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Does Money matter more that Polls
A Counter view to this argument on Power Line, Click Article.
A look at the recent AP reported Polls on the Mid Terms.
The New York Times on the Outlook held by Democrats going in to Mid Term Elections.
The Washington Post on the latest political attack used by Karl Rove on the Democrats.
Friday, October 20, 2006
Dr Who Awards
American Politics Update for October
All the talk has been about how many seats the Republicans would lose in the House, what about the Democrats, an interesting race in Indiana / 7. The Republican leads by three points, 45 -42
The VIEWS has been checking out the House races, based on his last look at the all FIFTY RACES on RCP, so far the Democrats seem to be odd on favourites to win 10 off the bat. Then VIEWS has 9 Seats in the 50/50 bracket. If the Democrats take all the Seats and don’t lose any they will have a majority of three or four. It should be noted the Race in Indiana, if the Republicans take just a few Seats that magic number of 15 goes up. But considering the toxic waters at the Moment, Congressional Scandals and Iraq, it would be almost like 1948 and the one and only Harry S. Truman coming back when he was seen as dead in the Water by the political elite.
VIEWS has been looking at the following as possible upsets in the House Race, these have been seen as automatic Dem pick ups considering recent events: Texas 22, Florida 16, it would be interesting if the Republicans put their up and coming operatives in to the Races and got the Vote out in November, more Seats the Republicans can hold the more the Democrats need to gain.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Sunday, October 15, 2006
American Mid Term Elections
Interesting article in the New York Times between growing Democratic Support and the Professional operation run by the Republicans, Click here for Article.
Views was watching Fox News on Saturday night, and their political analysts have the Democrats taking the House by 18 to 21 Seats, on the Senate side the Republicans would just remain in control. If you think about it, after the Iraq War, Congressional Scandals, the Democrats should be making more headway. On CNN’s Late Edition, one of the political analysts had about 50 Seats that should be looked at over the next three weeks. Views just has a feeling, that the Democrats should not be that over confidant, Events. Events.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
North Korea Update
1) Demands North Korea eliminate all its nuclear weapons, weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missiles.
2) Requires all countries to prevent the sale or transfer of materials related to Pyongyang's unconventional weapons programmes, as well as large-sized military items such as tanks, missiles and helicopters.
3) Demands nations freeze funds overseas of people or businesses connected with North Korea's nuclear and ballistic missile programs.
4) Allows nations to inspect cargo moving in and out of North Korea in pursuit of non-conventional weapons.
5) Is not backed up by the threat of military force.
6) Calls on Pyongyang to return "without precondition" to stalled six-nation talks on its nuclear programme.
The next question is what will happen next? If President Bush sends in the Fleet to check ships and if by chance the North Koreans start to fire, the United States is not going to wait for over a week for China and Russia to make their minds up. It depends who checks the ships coming out of North Korea and how hard they check, the next few weeks should be interesting.
Friday, October 13, 2006
North Korea
The United States should request that Japan places its sanctions on hold, just do nothing, show North Korea it will not get anywhere by making demands and even more to the point, trying to spin lies to the international community. Thus North Korea can be told to take a running jump and the international community would back to where it was on the Sunday before the announcement from North Korea. This might only work for a short time, but lets punish North Korea when it actually does something not for spinning the mad views of its leadership. They should go down to the local book shop in South Korea and buy a few books on spinning before making themselves a laughing stock on the WORLD STAGE.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Is Bush Weak?
Views hopes the USA stands tough at the UN, or the UN will became another league of nations. World history took a bad turn after the failure of the league.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Options on North Korea
An Article by Simon Jenkins in The Guardian. Views agrees with the following comment: ‘curb North Korea's ambition in the simplest possible way. Sophisticated air power, useless in counter-insurgency, has a role in the "coercive diplomacy" of non-proliferation. Israel used it effectively against Iraq's nuclear plant in 1981 and the US repeated the exercise with Operation Desert Fox in 1998…’
On the other hand we have President Jimmy Carter, VIEWS must admit, he cant stand Jimmy Carter, the worse President with Hoover included that the United States has ever had in the 20TH Century. But he still was a President and a winner of the Nobel Prize, so here is his opinion that VIEWS does not agree with at all..! ‘ What must be avoided is to leave a beleaguered nuclear nation convinced that it is permanently excluded from the international community.. ’ ( New York Times Registration Required / Free ) This is the exact impression that must be left, the UN and the USA should not back down, North Korea must learn that it can not blackmail or threaten Western powers or its neighbours.
The North Koreans are making it known that it will see any action by the USA as act of war the New York Times Reports, ‘ North Korea…. regard increased pressure from the United States as a “declaration of war ’ Japan the BBC reports is to place sanctions on North Korea, ‘ The new Japanese measures will include banning all North Korean imports and stopping its ships entering Japanese waters, a government spokesman said. ’
The UN needs to act as one or became another league of nations, the 21st Century could be defined by this week.
The Mid Term Elections and the Polls
Partly Right on North Korea
Fox News reports the following, ‘ Intelligence and Defense Department officials confirmed to FOX News that the test could have been a dud, but they also advised against concluding too quickly that it was a non-nuclear event. ’
The BBC state the following, ‘ The lack of information over the blast has cast some doubts over North Korea's claim, with suggestions that the blast may have been produced by conventional explosives as part of a ruse. ’
In a sense the above does not matter, the UN and the United States have to act as if North Korea has the bomb. This is a chance for President Bush; this could be his Cuban Missile Crisis. If possible with the backing of the UN, the USA and her allies should blockaded North Korea, check every ship, the USA should do this no matter if the UN says yes or no. President Bush can use this in the Mid Term Elections; place National Security at the heart of the debate.
Friday, October 06, 2006
North Korea and a Nuclear Test
LA Times, Click here
Fox News on UN Statement, Click here
CNN, Click here
BBC, Click here : Also interesting links on the BBC on the History of the Korean War, Click here
New York Times on American Options on North Korea, Click here Registration Required, Free )
Washington Post. Click here
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Security Abroad, Security Home, Republicans are Security
Think after January, a Democrat win, Higher Taxes, cut and running form Iraq, repel of the Bush Tax cuts, allow more rights for Terrorists, would oppose any military action to deal with Iran, would try to impeach George W. Bush. The Democrats once in power would use everything to stay in Power, does the United States want another House of Representatives, which the Democrats control for 40 years.
The Call should be simple, security abroad, security home, Republicans are security.
The Politics of Scandal
Time: Click here
Newsweek: Click here
Slate: Click here : This is interesting as the perception that the seat is lost to the Republicans might not be a fore gone deal.
Slate: Click here
Washington Post: Click here
Washington Times: Click here
The Future of the Speaker of the House is in question, when did he know and what did he do, an interesting Interview to read, Click here
Sunday, October 01, 2006
State of Denial
As noted a week is a long time in Politics, over the past few days we have had the release of the National Intelligence Estimate for April 2004, see previous Blog entry. On the heels of the NIE we have had the release of the new book by Bob Woodward, extracts can be found on the Washington Post Web Page, also Congressional Scandals that has made a Republican Congressman Resign and placed his seat with the reach of the Democrats. Views predicted that the Republicans would keep control of the House and Senate, as of today that is a lot harder to justify even with the articles in the NYT and Time. The election is a few weeks away, and it has to be recognised that if the luck follows the Democrats they should take the House and give the Republicans a run for their money in the Senate.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
National Intelligence Estimate for April 2006
It has to be stated, that if this is the combined work of sixteen intelligence agencies, the American Government has a problem, we need something new, how al – Qa ‘ ida is been run at the moment by UBL, is he dead, the French seem to have better information or at least some information. How do we prevent Terrorist Cells forming or how do we get our people in to these Cells as prevent their development. How al – Qa ‘ ida is working with insurgents in Iraq, how to cause friction, how to cause them to fall apart, how to gain information on even smaller cells from around the World.
The NIE is interesting but lets hope the real interesting stuff is under cover, the New York Times is not the place to discuss policy disagreements that can cause the death of thousands, there are limits, lets put some journalists under pressure, drag them in Court, if they don’t release their sources, the slammer time, and real time not some comfort farm, we are at War, this is not Vietnam, and the LIBERALS better smell the coffee or the American people will never trust them will the Security of the United States.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Bill Clinton Interview and the Mid Term Elections
The Bill Clinton Interview flare up still in the news, an Opinion piece in the Los Angeles Times by Andrew Klavan is interesting, he has the stated the following on Bill Clinton, ‘ He thinks reality itself is being wrestled away from him, that he can wrestle it back and mold it into the shape he wants it to have. ‘
A very interesting article by John McIntyre, President and co-founder of RealClearPolitics on the Mid Term Elections, McIntyre has written the following, ‘ Dem pick-up of four seats which would leave them short of the six they need, and I suspect they would fall short in the House as well, picking up something like 9-12 seats.
Tony Blair and the Labour Conference
On the health service, Views has to give Labour high marks, Views has seen the Health Service close up, in the early mid 1990s, going in to Hospital was not looked at by Views as the best option but having seen the Health Service doing an excellent job at the start of the 21st Century. In the 1990s a long stay in Hospital was even more uncomfortable even without the ill health, now a long stay in Hospital is made more bearable by the fact that while in Hospital you can have access to your own TV, this might sound like something quite small but if one is ill, it helps to have something normal, and nearly all watch TV. Also patients have access to a telephone, so no march down to the telephone or waiting for a phone to be bought to you, access at any time to family helps in the creation of normality.
Thus we come to Foreign Policy, the Prime Minister defended his policy on Afghanistan and Iraq, as Views supports both military actions it was interesting more to see how Labour reacted to this section of speech, more polite applause, not earth shattering support. On Terrorism, Views supports the 90-day keeping of suspects and hopes either Tony Blair or Gordon Brown brings the bill back to the House of Commons.
On the SKY news coverage, there was a box with a live view of Gordon Brown, dour, miserable, come to mind. Views can recall about two smiles and one was when Tony Blair praised Gordon Brown.
Views shall miss Tony Blair, after Lady Thatcher the best Conservative Prime Minister the country has had, what will Gordon the Dour be when he shall became PM.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Main Stream Media and the Mid Term Elections
Sunday, September 24, 2006
President Bill Clinton's Interview on Fox News
The Fox News Transcript
The Washington Post Report on THE INTERVIEW
Article on RealClearPolitics on Clinton and 9/11 , Views very much agrees with this commentary on Bill Clinton.‘ Someone else should be trusted to do the scoring when it comes to Clinton's time in office. In the history books, he deserves to be counted as the President who did not protect us against al-Qaeda, who left the impression they could attack us without penalty, whose wasted opportunities contributed to the travesty of 9/11.
American Presidential Politics
It has to be stated that when Bill Clinton was running in 1993 against Bush 41, VIEWS could see that he was a great politician but could not believe that the American Public would vote with a man with so many drawbacks on the personal level no matter how intelligent and charismatic he was, NO JFK but not bad. Views was reading the Broadsheets in his first year at University and his friends asked him who would win the election, Views wanted to say Bush 41 but he had to give a truthful ANSWER, it would be Clinton. VIEWS was about to give Clinton the benefit the doubt then he heard his first inaugural Speech and the perceived attack on the Reagan and Bush years, VIEWS recalled thinking people in glass houses should be careful not to attack others for mistakes when one was on thin ice concerning one’s own behaviour, draft dodger and the alleged affairs, he refused to confirm Gennifer Flowers at the time but this turned out to be true. After that VIEWS would tend to take a negative view of Bill Clinton. Clinton never let VIEWS down in his ability to create a negative out of nothing. Thus by the end of his Presidency, he had failed to get a Middle East Peace, North Korea was back to where the administration had started in 1993, Terrorism had declared WAR on the USA in the shape of UBL and then we have the Pardon scandal of the last day of Bill Clinton combined with plea deal to end the investigations of Bill Clinton that started with Whitewater and ended up by his trial and Impeachment over an affair with a White House Intern. VIEWS could not wait for Bill Clinton to go, enough was enough by 2000.
Then we come to blame game for 9/11, as VIEWS has stated neither Clinton or Bush are to blame for lack of action more for leadership before 9/11. But it should be noted that Bill Clinton had eight years while George W. Bush had less than seven months and before 9/11 Bush had decided he was going to do lot more than Clinton had done, no more missiles in empty tents.
Thus today we have Bill Clinton on Fox news, if the transcript is full the Clinton handlers should be worried should Senator Hillary R. Clinton the Junior Senator from New York decided to run for President. Does seem that Clinton does not do well when coming under critical inspection, perhaps he should stick to soft pieces as if he behaves like that during the election he may finish Hillary Clinton chances before they start, in a election cycle of American Presidential Politics these days, the opposition would have an extra field day with Bill Clinton if that is how he is going to behave when being interviewed by the Press. The Main Stream Media might be Liberal but they want a good story, and a Former President going off one, as we would say over water does great things for selling papers or rating for 24-hour news. Perhaps the former President should keep on the golf course and leave the politics to the Junior Senator. It has been noticed by VIEWS that President Clinton has a complex about Reagan, VIEWS recalls reading that it really annoyed Clinton that Reagan could walk ways from things while Clinton would be attacked, does sound a lot like the complex Nixon had about Kennedy.
Friday, September 22, 2006
American Politics Update
On the Legal front Mr Libby has perhaps got a way to finish his case before a Trial next year, a Judge has decided that Mr Libby should have access to Secret Information, the administration has to decided if the information can be released or otherwise the case would have to be dropped due to the fact that Mr Libby could not have access to these secret documents.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
The Prediction for the American Mid Term Elections
Thus we have the following issues, the threat from Terrorism, the plot was that uncovered in August in London, the anniversary of 9/11, this had reminded Americans that the United States has not been attacked since, while there have been attacks in Spain and London. The cost of Gas or Petrol for cars has gone down, while the Prices have gone down the President’s approval rating have gone up. The President has bought the major negative of Iraq and placed it in the context of the War on Terrorism, the Democrats argue that it is a separate issue but a new Poll by Fox show that the War has 51% support compared to 44%. The WAR ON TERROR is in Iraq, that is where its fate will be decided, however much Democrats want a new policy it is seen as cutting and running, and being seen as weak on Foreign Policy is not good for Democrats.
At this present time we have a debate about how to deal with Islamic Terrorists, the Democrats see this as an issue they can use as Senator John McCain is opposed to the severe treatment that the President wants to allow the CIA to use, it worked on Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and helped prevent attack on the United States. The President has stated that if the Senate does not allow such measures they will be stopped, one can only imagine should another attack take place and it is found that the information could have been found if severe treatment has been used, McCain would be finished as a contender for the Republican nomination in 2008. What ever the United States Supreme Court thinks, Al Qaeda are Islamic Terrorists not the Vietcong and this is not Vietnam. It can be argued as Ronald Reagan stated in 1976 about the then USSR, there can only be one winner and the loser has to be Al Qaeda and it’s franchise operation, they have to be destroyed or they will try and destroy the West and its Liberal Democracy, take care of business first then argue about civil liberties, Liberals seem to have this view that theory matters more than the security of the individual. The American public seem to have got the idea before the leaders of the Democratic Party and some Liberal Senators in the United States Senate, who are there to protect the people of the United States not to care what the rest of the world thinks about its use of severe treatment to protect the country.
Thus we come to Prediction time, as to the United States Senate, the general views is that the Republicans will hold this chamber. I think it will be lot closer than people think, but the Republicans will hold it by 1 or 2 seats. As to the House of Representatives, the generic polls on who the American people would vote for have come a lot closer, as from my previous Blog, three points difference in favour of the Democrats, if that carries on the Democrats would be lucky to win any seats it has been stated by political writers, but here is VIEWS prediction, the Republicans will hold the Chamber by Six seats.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Can the Democrats lose again?
An interesting article by the Boston Globe on how the 9/11 anniversary has helped the President and the Republican Party before the Mid Term Elections, Click Here
Sunday, September 17, 2006
The Mid Term Elections in the United States
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
The Path to 9/11 / The Mini Series
A counter view can be found in the Washington Post by an article by Ruth Marcus, Marcus writes the following, ‘ The docudrama is an inherently flawed form, one that invites embroidery. The irony of "The Path to 9/11" is that this dramatic license was so unnecessary, given the richly detailed narrative in a document available to the docudrama's ’
In the View of Views after reading the 9/11 report and seeing this mini series, the blame for the lack of leadership in dealing with the threat from UBL has to be placed at the feet of all policy makers both Democrat and Republican. As a student of International Politics and International History, terrorism was seen as a major threat, but invading Afghanistan and Iraq based on that threat was not something Views had thought about as a serious possibility. The events of 9/11 changed the thought process of many, one can not blame Clinton or Bush for 9/11, but one can hold them for account for lack of leadership in thinking outside the box, Ronald Reagan in 1976 stated about the USSR, that there could only be one winner and one loser, and that loser would be the USSR. The Presidents that came after lacked that leadership quality. That is why Discovery Channel watchers voted the greatest American, Ronald Reagan.