Friday, February 07, 2014

No US Immigration Reform before 2014 Mid Terms - Speaker Boehner

Lets Get Real:

This is a mistake by Republicans, Ronald Reagan in 1984 stated that he approved of amnesty for those illegals in the US, yes the 1986 Immigration Reform Act had its flaws, but at least the Republicans had a chance to gain traction in those Communities affected by reform, also lets get real, within a few decades White Anglo Protestants (  WASPS ) will be a minority within the US, the Democrats are playing smart politics for the long term, the Republicans might be able to keep the House and even the Senate in play but they might never again hold the Oval Office. After the Mid Terms the Republicans have to come up with a way for illegals to become US Citizens in the long term, yes the Democrats will gain the short term, but the issue will be off the table, and the Republicans can start to attract ethnic voters based on sound Conservatives policies, of small government, low taxes, big defence spending, and Conservative Judges on the bench.  

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